Sabtu, 09 April 2011

Blue day :(

today is a bad day. I must be love this day because this is 1st month anniversary with my bf. But where is he? he's not with me, he's go with his friend, go to watching football, and I just mad at him. but at end of this night, he  make me smile again, with anything he say to me .

Jumat, 08 April 2011

Friday, 8 April 2011

well, ini hari jumat ya?in the morning begin with listening music FRIDAY by RAN or FRIDAY by Rebbeca Black! ;) woops pilih yang mana?tapi kalo gue nih pagi-pagi gini liat salah satu video di youtube check this one out :

Rabu, 06 April 2011

Nikon D5100

well, sekarang mau share tentang kamera ! yes, here it is. Nikon D5100 Kamera DSLR 16.2Mp.
WOW! kebayang ga sih kualitas gambarnya gimana?pastinya FULL HD banget.

LCD di kamera ini bisa diatur, auto focus-continuous dalam mode film, ISO maksimumnya 25.600, dan ada efek khususnya nih, yaitu empat filter yang bekerja untuk pengambilan gambar, static picture or videos/film !

Harga kamera

Google Nexus S come to Indonesia

Well, it turns out Android really had invaded Indonesia. Google Nexus S which is the latest official Google mobile phone has been marketed in Indonesia. For the first phase of sales in Indonesia Nexus S, XL Axiata who became the first operator in the homeland Google smartphone, has been preparing as much as 5 thousand units to be thrown into the market.

First Post

well, I made it!
I have another blog, but I want to have another one because I love to write :)

this blog is kinda for my random life, for my love life, campus life, technology right now, fashion, etc. really random because I love being random.